Kaspersky was a social media website that was regularly updated with relevant Kaspersky news. The site looked identical to the original Kaspersky website, and when searched on Google, Kaspersky Social always appeared alongside the original Kaspersky website. This led many to believe it was a phishing website; however, this is far from the case.
Kaspersky Social featured regular stores about Kaspersky updates, notices, and performance. There was even an interactive forum for users of the program to interact and share ideas. The basic goal of the platform was to help users get the best out of all Kaspersky and third-party programs.
Kaspersky Social is not a phishing website
Kaspersky Social is not a phishing website but is generally safe to browse with your device. During Google searches, it ranks very high on the first page for password checker
Important Information
The admin’s name is “Domain Administrator,” and the organization is AO Kaspersky Lab domiciled in Moscow, 39A Building, Leningradskoye in Russia.
Kaspersky Social is no longer active and has remained obsolete for a number of years now. Even before it was decommissioned, new posts and updates were no longer published by the admin.
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Samortin, Jenilyn. "social-kaspersky.com history." Visas For Future, https://www.visasforfuture.com/social-kaspersky-com-history/. Accessed on 27 June 2023.
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Samortin, Jenilyn. "social-kaspersky.com history." Visas For Future. June 27, 2023. https://www.visasforfuture.com/social-kaspersky-com-history/.