
Cyprus Passport Photo Size

The passport photo size for Cyprus is 40 x 50 millimeters (mm), which is equivalent to 1.57 inches wide by 1.97 inches tall. Here at Visas for Future, we offer a passport photo service that can help you get the perfect photo for your application. Continue reading to see how your Cyprus Passport photo will be approved!

Get Professional Cyprus Passport Photo Help

As seen on

The Cyprus passport photo size is important because it ensures that all passport photos are consistent and that the applicant’s face is visible. This helps to prevent identity fraud and makes it easier for immigration officials to verify the identity of passport holders.

Here’s the full rules for the Cyprus passport photo:

  • Dimensions:
    • 40x 50 millimeters (1.57 inches wide by 1.97 inches tall)
  • Background
    • Brightly colored background. White is suggested.
    • No patterns, shadows, or unevenness
    • Consistent color throughout the entire background
  • Facial Expression
    • Neutral expression, mouth closed, lips together
    • Eyes open and visible, looking directly at the camera
    • No smiling, frowning, or other exaggerated expressions
  • Head Position
    • Head straight and upright, facing the camera directly
    • No tilting or turning of the head
    • Both sides of the face are equally visible
  • Head Size
    • Head height, measured from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head: 34mm
    • Space from the top of the hair to the top of the photo: 5mm
  • Attire
    • Plain, everyday clothing with no offensive messages or slogans
    • Avoid white (to blend with the background) or very bright colors
    • No uniforms, costumes, or clothing resembling official attire
  • Headwear
    • Not allowed, except for religious or medical reasons (with documentation)
    • If worn for medical reasons, a doctor’s certificate may be required
  • Jewelry
    • Minimal, avoid excessive jewelry that might obscure your face or neckline
  • Glasses
    • Allowed only if medically necessary
    • Frames should be thin and non-reflective
    • No glare on the lenses
  • Technical Specifications
    • Recent photo, taken within the past 6 months
    • High-quality resolution (at least 600 dpi)
    • Printed on good quality photo paper (e.g., matte or glossy)
    • No defects, scratches, or marks on the photo

Visas for Future Passport Photo Service

Use the Visas for Future passport photo service to get a passport photo that’ll work for your application. Simply take a photo of yourself using our guidelines, send it in, and we’ll edit it. We’ll send you your passport photos by post with free shipping. We deliver to Canada, the EU, the US, and the UK. For individuals outside of those countries, we can deliver your passport photos to your inbox, which you can print at home.

How it works

Take a photo.
We verify your photo.
Passport photos are delivered by post or email.

How to take your passport photo

Here’s how you can take passport photos at home to ensure that they’ll be high quality:

1.) Stand .5 meters or 2 feet from the wall. This ensures that there’s no shadow on your portrait.

2.) Place the camera 2 meters or 6 feet away from the subject. This will prevent distortion and give you a prettier picture!

3.) Have the camera on the same level as the subject’s face.

4.) Use plenty of lighting. Natural light is preferred but plenty of light in general is the best. Make sure it is even and doesn’t leave a shadow.

Benefits of using an online passport photo service

There are many choices when it comes to getting a passport photo but here are reasons why you should go with an online agent:

  1. You don’t have to leave your house.
  2. We know the passport photo rules of the country you’re applying to.
  3. We validate your photo – we check your passport photo to make sure it is in order.
  4. Save money with bulk orders – you can order many passport photos and save.

Why choose us

Visas for Future is a convenient service that can help you with your passport photo needs. Here are six reasons why you should choose Visas for Future for your passport photo services:

  • Expertise: Our experts ensure that your passport photo meets the official requirements of your destination country.
  • Convenience: You can upload your own photo or take one with your smartphone, and we will crop, resize, and enhance it to create a perfect biometric photo.
  • Support: We’re visa and passport photo experts. You can ask us travel questions, which will make your trip-planning process easier.
  • Speed: Your photos are shipped within a day!
  • Unlimited retakes: You can also take as many photos as you want until you are satisfied with the result.

Resolution and quality of the photo required for a Cyprus passport

Here are the requirements for the resolution and quality of the photo needed for a Cyprus passport:

  • Resolution: The photo must have a resolution of at least 600 dpi (dots per inch). This means there should be at least 600 dots of color for every inch of the photo. A higher resolution is always better, but 600 dpi is the minimum requirement.
  • File size: The photo file should be no more than 240 KB.
  • Quality: The photo must be clear and free of defects, such as scratches, red eyes, or blurriness.
  • Color: The photo must be in color.

Cyprus passport photo size guidelines for babies and children

While the general photo requirements for Cyprus passports remain the same for babies and children, there are some specific considerations:

Photo Size

  • Standard size: 5.0 cm (height) x 4.0 cm (width) applies to everyone regardless of age.


  • Infants
    • If unable to sit upright, lay them flat on a plain white or off-white sheet. Ensure no shadows fall on their face.
    • Alternatively, use a car seat covered in a plain white/off-white sheet and position the child there.
  • Children
    • Encourage them to sit upright and look at the camera with a neutral expression.
    • Avoid using toys or props to get their attention as these can be visible in the photo.

How to get a passport photo that meets Cyprus specifications?

Step 1: Visit Visas for Future.

Step 2: Click on Get Passport Photo now

Step 3: Fill out the order form:  Please provide your full name, email address, phone number, country of residence, and the country you are applying to. 

Step 4: Pay the application fee: To make a payment using your debit or credit card, you can choose the option to pay online.

Step 5: Upload your photo: When choosing an image, be sure to select one that is high quality and in focus. Avoid blurry images.

Step 6: Receive your photo: You can expect to receive a digital copy of your passport via email within the next 24 hours.

Cyprus Passport Photos illustration

1. Format and Photo Size

2. Focus and Contrast

3. Photo Background

4. Brightness

5. Quality of the Photo

6. Facial expression and Head position

7. Eyes and Line of the sight

8. Glasses

9. Headwear

Source: mfa.gov.cy

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the photo requirements for the Cyprus Embassy?

The passport photo requirements for Cyprus application through the embassy are the same as the passport photo specifications mentioned above.

Is 2×2 the same as passport size?

Unfortunately, 2×2 inches is not a universally accepted passport size. While some countries like the United States and India do use 2×2 inches for their passport photos, many others use different dimensions.

Is 4×5 large or medium format?

4×5 is considered a large format size, while medium format typically ranges between 2.25×2.75 inches and 4.5×6 centimeters.

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James Abel Diego
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James Abel Diego is a content writer at Visas for Future who is an expert in travel and visa policies for Turkey, India, Colombia and Egypt. He is an Education graduate who is inclined with passion in writing informative content. He has been in several training sessions making him more of value in content and fulfilling customer orders efficiently. James maintains his understanding of visa processing by executing real visa orders once per quarter.

Glen Vidania
Managed by Glen Vidania

Glen Vidania is the Content Manager at Visas for Future, a company that offers online visa services for eco-friendly travelers. He is a certified Content Marketer and an experienced academic writer. He writes and promotes content that is informative, engaging, and relevant to the readers. He had work experience and gained skills in writing articles, data entry, SEO email marketing, and guest posting. He is also an expert in applying for visas for Turkey and India.

Glen Vidania
Published by Visas for Future

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Diego, James Abel. "Cyprus Passport Photo Size." Visas For Future, https://www.visasforfuture.com/passport-photo-size-cyprus/. Accessed on 17 September 2023.

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Diego, James Abel. "Cyprus Passport Photo Size." Visas For Future. September 17, 2023. https://www.visasforfuture.com/passport-photo-size-cyprus/.

Published: 17 Sep 2023 13:59 UTC

Last modified: 13 Mar 2024 2:56 UTC

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