
India OCI Card Contact Number: Get Help with Your Application

For assistance with your OCI card application or any inquiries related to the process, you can contact the dedicated India OCI Card helpline or customer support number. This contact numbers are designed to provide support, answer queries, and offer guidance on various aspects of the OCI application. Be sure to have your application details and relevant information ready when reaching out to ensure a more effective and timely response to your concerns. Keep reading this article to know the India OCI Card Contact Number.

Get Professional India OCI Help

As seen on

You can call the OCI Card India contact number for any questions or assistance related to your OCI card. Some common reasons to call the contact number include:

  • To inquire about the status of your OCI card application.
  • To report a lost or stolen OCI card.
  • To request a change to your OCI card information.
  • To renew your OCI card.
  • To get help with the OCI online application process.
  • To troubleshoot problems with the OCI website or online portal.
  • To get general information about the OCI program.

If you’re interested in getting an India OCI Card, you can get it through Visas for Future. We can process your application in just two business days, and you’ll get your OCI card within seven to eleven weeks. You don’t have to stress about reaching out to the OCI office in India; we’ll handle all your questions and concerns.

What We’re Offering

We offer India OCI processing service. Our service will process your application within two business days, after which you will receive your OCI card within seven to eleven weeks.

  • Grants unlimited stay in India.
  • Multiple entries.
  • The $368 fee is (Including the Government fee).
  • You can apply for the card in two processing days, but receiving it will take 7-11 weeks.
  • Form validation included.

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Our visa forms are easy and simple.
We validate your application.
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How to Contact the OCI Card India Office?

Unfortunately, there is no single contact number for OCI Card inquiries in India. To address matters such as applying for or renewing your OCI card, it is necessary to reach out to the FRRO (Foreigners Regional Registration Office) in the jurisdiction where you are located or the Indian mission/post abroad where you reside. Suppose you are already in India and require services such as OCI card registration, and address updates, or have general OCI-related inquiries. In that case, it is advisable to contact the FRRO in your jurisdiction. The Ministry of Home Affairs website, Government of India, provides a comprehensive list of FRROs along with their contact details for your convenience.

For those outside India seeking assistance with your OCI card, it is recommended to contact the nearest Indian embassy or consulate.

If you’re planning to contact the India OCI contact number to secure an OCI card, Visas for Future is here to assist with your OCI application. By opting for our service, you can be confident that you won’t have to reach out to the OCI office in India; we will manage and address your queries on your behalf.

A List of OCI Card India Contact Numbers and Addresses

FRRO offices for OCI cardholders:

  • FRRO, Amritsar
    • Address: Bureau of Immigration, D-123, Ranjit Avenue, Amritsar – 143001
    • Tel: 0183-2500464
    • Fax: 0183-2500465
    • Email: frroasr@nic.in
    • Jurisdiction: Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir, and Chandigarh
  • FRRO, Bangalore
    • Address: 5th Floor, „A‟ Block, TTMC, BMTC Bus Stand Building, K.H.Road, Shantinagar, Bangalore 560027
    • Tel: 080-22218195; 22218183
    • Fax: 080-22218196
    • Email: frroblr-ka@nic.in
    • Jurisdiction: Karnataka
  • FRRO, Chennai
    • Address: No.26, Shastri Bhawan Annexe Building, 26 Haddows Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai-600006
    • Tel: 044-23454970; 28251721
    • Fax: 044-23454971
    • Email: frrochn@nic.in, chiochn@nic.in
    • Jurisdiction: Tamilnadu, Puducherry, and Andaman & Nicobar Islands
  • FRRO, Delhi
    • Address: East Block VIII, Level 2, Sector-1, R.K.Puram, New Delhi – 110066
    • Tel: 011-26711384 (Support Centre: 011-26711443; 26713851)
    • Fax: 011-26711348
    • Email: frrodli@nic.in
    • Jurisdiction: Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, and Uttarakhand
  • FRRO, Goa
    • Address: Foreigners Branch, Goa Police Headquarters, Opposite Azad Maidan, Panaji – 403001
    • Tel: 0832-2426545
    • Fax: 0832-2426545
    • Email: frrogoa@nic.in
    • Jurisdiction: Goa and Dadra & Nagar Haveli (Note: Cases handled by FRRO, Mumbai until further orders)
  • FRRO, Hyderabad
    • Address: Bureau of Immigration, Room no.301, 3rd Floor, CGO Tower, Kabadiguda, Hyderabad-500080
    • Tel: 040-27541022; 040-27541088
    • Fax: 040-27541087
    • Email: frrohyd@nic.in
    • Jurisdiction: Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Odisha, and Chhattisgarh
  • FRRO, Kochi (Cochin)
    • Address: 2nd Floor, Airlines Building, Cochin International Airport Ltd., Airport P.O., Kochi – 683111
    • Tel: 0484-2611277
    • Fax: 0484-2611277
    • Email: frrococ@nic.in, frro.cochin@nic.in
    • Jurisdiction: Kerala (excluding jurisdiction of other FRROs in Kerala)
  • FRRO, Kolkata
    • Address: 237, A.J.C.Bose Road, Kolkata
    • Tel: 033-22900549
    • Email: frrokol@nic.in
    • Jurisdiction: West Bengal, Sikkim, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland, Manipur, Meghalaya, and Tripura
  • FRRO, Kozhikode (Calicut)
    • Address: 20/1305, Castle view, Thiruvannur Road, Panniyankara, Kallai P.O. Kozhikode – 673003
    • Tel: 0495-2323550
    • Fax: 0495-2323550
    • Email: frrocal@nic.in, frro-clt@nic.in
    • Jurisdiction: Kerala (excluding jurisdiction of other FRROs in Kerala)
  • FRRO, Lucknow
    • Address: 557, Hind Nagar, Kanpur Road, Near Old Chungi, Lucknow -226012
    • Tel: 0522-2432431
    • Fax: 0522-2432430
    • Email: frrolko@nic.in
    • Jurisdiction: Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Jharkhand
  • FRRO, Mumbai
    • Address: Annex-II Bldg, 3rd Floor, Badruddin Tayyabji Marg, Behind St.Xavier College, C.S.T., Mumbai – 400001
    • Tel: 022-22621169, 022-22621167 (OCI enquiry)
    • Fax: 022-22620721
    • Email: frromum@nic.in
    • Jurisdiction: Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, and Daman & Diu. (Note: Cases pertaining to Goa and Dadra & Nagar Haveli also handled by FRRO, Mumbai)
  • FRRO, Thiruvananthapuram
    • Address: T.C.14/1377, Vazhuthacaud, opposite Ganapati Temple, Thycaud P.O., Thiruvananthapuram – 14
    • Tel: 0471-2333515
    • Fax: 0471-2333514
    • Email: frrotvm@nic.in

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I check my OCI status in India?

To know the status of your OCI Application, click here.

How long does the Indian Embassy take for OCI?

The duration for processing an OCI (Overseas Citizen of India) application at the Indian Embassy is subject to variations influenced by factors such as application volume, administrative procedures, and additional requirements. Nevertheless, through Visas for Future, you can complete the OCI card application process in just 2 processing days; however, the issuance of the card may take 7 to 11 weeks.

Can I travel to India without an OCI card?

Yes, it is possible to travel to India without an OCI (Overseas Citizen of India) card. If you are a foreign national and not an Indian citizen or an OCI cardholder, you can visit India by obtaining an appropriate visa. Get India eVisa here.

What is the difference between OCI and NRI?

OCI (foreign citizens of Indian origin) and NRI (Indian citizens living abroad) have different legal ties to India. OCIs get visa-free travel, financial parity, and some work rights. NRIs get tax and investment benefits but are non-residents for legal purposes.

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Rosalie Santos
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Rosalie is a content writer who loves to learn and share knowledge. She has a background in education and teaching, which helps her write clear, accurate, and engaging content. She writes about travel, culture, and education topics. She also handles Turkey and India visa applications, which she learned from Lei Achumbre, the COO of Visas for Future and a visa expert. She fulfills visa orders and answers customer service questions once a quarter.

Glen Vidania
Managed by Glen Vidania

Glen Vidania is the Content Manager at Visas for Future, a company that offers online visa services for eco-friendly travelers. He is a certified Content Marketer and an experienced academic writer. He writes and promotes content that is informative, engaging, and relevant to the readers. He had work experience and gained skills in writing articles, data entry, SEO email marketing, and guest posting. He is also an expert in applying for visas for Turkey and India.

Glen Vidania
Published by Visas for Future

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Santos, Rosalie. "India OCI Card Contact Number: Get Help with Your Application." Visas For Future, https://www.visasforfuture.com/oci-card-india-contact-number/. Accessed on 5 October 2023.

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Santos, Rosalie. "India OCI Card Contact Number: Get Help with Your Application." Visas For Future. October 5, 2023. https://www.visasforfuture.com/oci-card-india-contact-number/.

Published: 5 Oct 2023 22:39 UTC

Last modified: 14 Dec 2023 17:11 UTC

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