
How to fill out the Dominican Republic e-Ticket?

Filling out the Dominican Republic e-Ticket is a mandatory step for all travelers entering or leaving the country, regardless of nationality or residency status. Visas for Future is a reliable and fast service that can help you get your e-Ticket in your email within 24 hours. We will take care of the application process for you and make sure you have everything you need for your trip.

Get Professional Dominican Republic e-Ticket Help

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Filling out the Dominican Republic e-Ticket is a simple process that can be done online through Visas for Future. The e-Ticket is a mandatory form that travelers to the Dominican Republic must complete before entering the country. 

Here’s a quick overview of how to fill out the e-Ticket: 

  1. Go to Visas for Future 
  2. Fill out the order form with your personal information.
  3. Pay the fee
  4. Fill out the intake form with your travel details and health declaration.
  5. Review your information and confirm that it is correct.
  6.  Submit the form. 

Once you have completed the e-Ticket, you will receive a confirmation email with a QR code that you will need to show at the airport to enter the Dominican Republic. It’s important to note that you should fill out the e-Ticket at least 72 hours before your scheduled arrival in the Dominican Republic.

Visas for Future is a fast and reliable service that can help you get your e-ticket in your email within 24 hours. We will check your information for any errors or missing details before submitting your application. This way, you can avoid any problems or delays in your future travel.

What We’re Offering

If you want to travel to the Dominican Republic, you need an e-Ticket. The e-Ticket is a mandatory electronic document for entry and exit. Our e-Ticket processing service will give you your Dominican Republic e-Ticket in your mailbox within 24 hours.

  • Air travelers to and from the Dominican Republic, including residents, need an e-Ticket.
  • One e-Ticket covers up to seven family travelers.
  • Does not replace a visa, if you require one.
  • $44.64 fee for embarkation and disembarkation tickets.

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Step-by-step guide on filling out the Dominican Republic e-Ticket

Here’s a detailed guide on filling out the Dominican Republic e-Ticket, whether you’re entering or leaving the country:

Before you start

  • Gather your documents: Passport and flight confirmation.1
  • Prepare your information: Full name, date of birth, address, phone number, email.
  • Stable internet connection: Required to submit the e-Ticket form.

Steps to fill out the e-Ticket:

  • Visit Visas for Future
  • Fill out the order form
  • Pay the fee
  • Fill out the intake form
  • Review and confirm your information. Double-check everything for accuracy.
  • Submit the form. You’ll receive a confirmation email with your QR code within 24 hours of your application.

What Information is needed for the e-Ticket?

To fill out the Dominican Republic e-Ticket, you’ll need the following information for each traveler:

Personal Information

  • Full Name: As it appears on your passport.
  • Date of Birth: Day, month, and year.
  • Sex: Male or Female.
  • Nationality: Your country of citizenship.
  • Passport Number: The number printed on your passport.
  • Contact Information: Phone number and email address.

Travel Information

  • Flight Information: Arrival/departure airport, airline, flight number, and date.
  • Travel Purpose: Tourism, business, etc.

Additional Information

  • Country of residence and city.
  • Country of origin (if different from country of residence).
  • Address in the Dominican Republic (if staying overnight).
  • Emergency contact information (optional).
  • Health Declaration: Answer questions about potential health risks like fever or recent contact with sick individuals.
  • Customs Declaration: Declare any items subject to customs duties, medication, or potential health risks.

Requirements and documents needed when filling out the e-ticket

Required Document

  • Passport2

Optional Documents

  • Proof of travel insurance.
  • Yellow fever vaccination certificate (if arriving from a country with yellow fever risk).

Tips when filling out the Dominican Republic e-Ticket

Double-check details

  • Accents and special characters: Avoid using accents or special characters in your information, as they can cause processing errors. Stick to standard characters.
  • Capitalization: Don’t use all caps or mix cases inconsistently. Use lowercase for most fields and uppercase for initials where appropriate.
  • Double-check dates and flight numbers: Ensure these are accurate and match your travel documents. Additionally, please note that the flight number you receive upon booking is the final flight that will take you to the Dominican Republic.

Prepare for offline

  • Save a copy of your completed form for backup.

Travel specifics

  • Purpose of visit: Be clear about your intended purpose, whether it’s tourism, business, or visiting family.
  • Previous visits: If you’ve visited the Dominican Republic before, enter the date of your last visit.
  • Accommodation details: List all the places you’ll be staying during your trip, even if it’s just for a night.
  • Emergency contact: Provide the contact information of someone who can be reached in case of an emergency while you’re in the DR.


  • Proofread everything: Before submitting, carefully review all the information you entered for accuracy. Small typos can lead to delays or processing issues.
  • Keep your confirmation code: After submitting, you’ll receive a confirmation code. Be sure to save it for future reference or if you need to reaccess the form.
  • Check for updates: Immigration regulations can change occasionally. Review the official website periodically for updates or changes to the e-Ticket process.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is the e-Ticket for the Dominican Republic?

$44.64 fee for embarkation and disembarkation tickets for up to 7 family members.

Do you need a QR code to travel to the Dominican Republic

Yes, you do need a QR code to travel to the Dominican Republic by air.3

How early can you fill out the E-Ticket for the Dominican Republic?

You should complete your e-Ticket up to 72 hours before your travel date.

What do I need to know before going to the Dominican Republic?

Entry Requirements4
Visas (if needed)

Travel Essentials
-Pack for warm weather
-Dominican Pesos
-Spanish Basics

Safety Tips
-Exercise caution
-Drink bottled water
-Respect local customs
-Purchase travel insurance

  1. Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism. (2023). Entry Requirements. www.godominicanrepublic.com. <https://www.godominicanrepublic.com/travel/entry-requirements/> []
  2. Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism. (2023). Entry Requirements. www.godominicanrepublic.com. <https://www.godominicanrepublic.com/travel/entry-requirements/> []
  3. Access the electronic ticket of entry and exit of Rep. Dom (E-TICKET) : DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE MIGRACIÓN. (2023). Migracion.gob.do. https://migracion.gob.do/en/e-ticket-electronic-ticket-of-entry-and-exit-of-the-dominican-republic/ []
  4. Dominican Republic International Travel Information. (2023). State.gov. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages/DominicanRepublic.html []

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Charlyn Miguel
Written by

Charlyn is a science researcher and a content writer at Visas for Future. She is trained to write informatively, engaging her contents about visas for Turkey, India, Colombia, Egypt, and Aruba. She also does and manages client orders for efficient customer service. She had published academic articles and co-authored a book. She handles actual visa orders once every three months to preserve his knowledge and communication with the factual visa processing system.

Glen Vidania
Managed by Glen Vidania

Glen Vidania is the Content Manager at Visas for Future, a company that offers online visa services for eco-friendly travelers. He is a certified Content Marketer and an experienced academic writer. He writes and promotes content that is informative, engaging, and relevant to the readers. He had work experience and gained skills in writing articles, data entry, SEO email marketing, and guest posting. He is also an expert in applying for visas for Turkey and India.

Glen Vidania
Published by Visas for Future

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MLA Style

Miguel, Charlyn. "How to fill out the Dominican Republic e-Ticket?." Visas For Future, https://www.visasforfuture.com/how-to-fill-out-e-ticket-for-dominican-republic/. Accessed on 7 August 2023.

Chicago Style

Miguel, Charlyn. "How to fill out the Dominican Republic e-Ticket?." Visas For Future. August 7, 2023. https://www.visasforfuture.com/how-to-fill-out-e-ticket-for-dominican-republic/.

Published: 7 Aug 2023 12:31 UTC

Last modified: 23 Mar 2024 8:13 UTC

Reading time: 6 minutes

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