The Ethiopian government has established specific guidelines for passport photo size to ensure consistency and accuracy. Whether renewing an existing passport or applying for a new one, this guide will help you take a passport photo that meets Ethiopia’s standards.
Dimensions for an Ethiopian passport photo are as follows:
- In inches: 1.18 x 1.57 inches
- In centimeters: 3 x 4 cm
- In millimeters: 30 x 40 mm
Ensuring your passport photo adheres to these precise size specifications is essential for compliance with Ethiopia’s regulations.
Here are the full rules for Ethiopian Passport Photo:1
- Head Positioning: Ensure the distance from the chin to the top of the head is between 31mm-36mm or 70-80%.
- Color: The photo must be in color, avoiding black or white images.
- Recency: Taken within the past six months to reflect the current appearance.
- Background: Make sure the photo features a white background.
- Posture: Directly facing the camera with a full-face view.
- Expression: Maintain a neutral facial expression with open eyes.
- Eyes: Ensure eyes are open and visible.
- Clothing: Wear daily clothing; avoid uniforms, except for religious attire.
- Headwear: Present a person without headgear in the photograph.
- Glasses: No glasses should be worn in the photo.
- Resolution: Passport photos must have a minimum resolution of 600 x 600 pixels and a maximum size of 1200 x 1200 pixels.
- File Format: The image should be saved in JPEG file format.
- Quantity: Submit two (2) recent photographs.
- Additional Considerations: If applicable, wear a wig, hearing aid, or prescription glasses if these are part of your regular appearance.
Visas for Future Passport Photo Service
Use the Visas for Future passport photo service to get a passport photo that’ll work for your application. Simply take a photo of yourself using our guidelines, send it in, and we’ll edit it. We’ll send you your passport photos by post with free shipping. We deliver to Canada, the EU, the US, and the UK. For individuals outside of those countries, we can deliver your passport photos to your inbox, which you can print at home.
How it works
Take a photo.
We verify your photo.
Passport photos are delivered by post or email.
How to take your passport photo
Here’s how you can take passport photos at home to ensure that they’ll be high quality:
1.) Stand .5 meters or 2 feet from the wall. This ensures that there’s no shadow on your portrait.
2.) Place the camera 2 meters or 6 feet away from the subject. This will prevent distortion and give you a prettier picture!
3.) Have the camera on the same level as the subject’s face.
4.) Use plenty of lighting. Natural light is preferred, but plenty of light in general is the best. Make sure it is even and doesn’t leave a shadow.
Benefits of using an online passport photo service
There are many choices when it comes to getting a passport photo, but here are reasons why you should go with an online agent:
- You don’t have to leave your house.
- We know the passport photo rules of the country you’re applying to.
- We validate your photo – we check your passport photo to make sure it is in order.
- Save money with bulk orders – you can order many passport photos and save.
Why choose us
Visas for Future is a convenient service that can help you with your passport photo needs. Here are six reasons why you should choose Visas for Future for your passport photo services:
- Expertise: Our experts ensure that your passport photo meets the official requirements of your destination country.
- Convenience: You can upload your photo or take one with your smartphone, and we will crop, resize, and enhance it to create a perfect biometric photo.
- Support: We’re visa and passport photo experts. You can ask us travel questions, making your trip-planning process easier.
- Speed: Your photos are shipped within a day!
- Unlimited retakes: You can also take as many photos as you want until you are satisfied with the result.
Sample of a passport photo for Ethiopia
Aspect ratio for Ethiopian passport photo
The photo should have dimensions of 30 millimeters in width by 40 millimeters in height, resulting in an aspect ratio of 3:4.
What steps must I take to obtain a passport picture that complies with Ethiopia’s requirements?
Follow these steps to acquire a passport photo adhering to Ethipian specifications:
- Materials: Collect a high-quality camera, a plain white (such as a sheet, wall, or large paper), and adequate lighting.
Taking the Photo:
- Ensure Proper Lighting: Achieve uniform lighting on your face, avoiding shadows, bright spots, and red-eye effects.
- Choose a Suitable Background: Stand against a plain white or light-colored background, steering clear of patterns, designs, or other individuals in the frame.
- Correct Positioning: Face the camera directly, centering your head. Refrain from tilting or turning your head to the side.
- Maintain a Neutral Expression: Keep a neutral facial expression, closing your mouth and ensuring your eyes remain open. Smiling, laughing, or squinting is not permissible.
- Clothing Considerations: Wear clothing that covers your shoulders, avoiding distracting patterns or colors.
- Headwear Regulations: Headwear is generally discouraged unless required for religious reasons. If necessary, ensure it doesn’t obscure your face.
Additional Tips:
- Professional Assistance: Consider engaging a professional photographer familiar with passport photo requirements.
- DIY Photography: If capturing the photo yourself, utilize a tripod or enlist assistance to ensure proper positioning and lighting.
- Printing Process: Following the photo session, print the image at a photo kiosk or through an online service offering passport-sized photos.
- Thorough Verification: Before submitting your application, double-check all requirements to ensure the acceptance of your photo.
Online services or applications or tools that help create, edit, or print an Ethiopia passport photo
Think of Visas for Future passport photo services as a reliable tool to guarantee that your Ethiopia passport photo aligns perfectly with the specific requirements. Simply follow our straightforward step-by-step procedure to ensure compliance:
Step 1: Visit Visas for Future.
Step 2: Click the designated option labeled “Get Passport Photo Now” to start the process.
Step 3: Fill out the provided order form with essential details, including your name, email address, country of residence, and the destination country for your passport application.
Step 4: Pay the required application fee through the provided payment options on the website.
Step 5: Upload the passport photo to the outlined specifications. Ensure the photo meets the required dimensions and quality standards.
Step 6: Before finalizing your application, carefully review the details in the order form for accuracy and completeness. Once satisfied, click “Submit” to complete the process.
Step 7: Expect to receive your processed passport photo promptly within 24 hours.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the photo of EVisa for Ethiopia?
The photo dimensions should be 35×45 mm (3.5×4.5 cm) in both width and height.
How can I know my passport is ready in Ethiopia?
You can check your Ethiopian passport status online, call EICS, or visit the designated Ethiopost branch.
What type of passport is used in Ethiopia?
The type of passport used in Ethiopia is a biometric machine-readable passport.
How do you know if your passport is approved?
You can check online portals or contact your country’s passport issuing authority to confirm if your passport is approved.
- Passport Photos Ottawa. (2024). Passport Photos. Retrieved February 27, 2024, <> [↩]
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Diego, James Abel. "Ethiopia Passport Photo Size 2025." Visas For Future, Accessed on 27 September 2023.
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Diego, James Abel. "Ethiopia Passport Photo Size 2025." Visas For Future. September 27, 2023.